Levy FAQs & Information
Current levy funding for Island Rec and Friday Harbor High School sports expires in 2027. On April 27, 2021, San Juan Island voters approved a renewal of the six-year property tax levy rate of 38.5 cents for:

16.5 cents: Island Rec Programs & Trails
This provides approximately 80% of the funding for recreation programs, classes, and special events. Participant fees cover 20% of operating costs, along with some grants and donations. It also provides full funding for the SJI Trails Committee.

10 cents: High School Sports
San Juan Island School District’s levy capacity is maxed out, and funds only basic education. Since 2010, Island Rec has levied funds to continue providing funding for Friday Harbor High School athletics. Read more information about why Island Rec is funding school sports.

12 cents: Parks
Operations and Maintenance of Island Rec Parks:
– John O. Linde Community Park
– Lafarge Open Space
– Eddie & Friends Dog Park
– The Skate Park
– Family Park & Playground
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Island Rec asking for another levy?
- Island Rec’s current levy and funding expires in 2021. After 2021 there is no funding for Island Rec, High School sports or the operations and maintenance of John O. Linde Community Park.
- By law the maximum term for Island Rec’s levy is six years; the maximum levy rate is 60 cents; this levy is for 38.5 cents per $1,000 of property assessment value. The expiring levy was also for 38.5 cents.
- Island Rec needs 2,600 voters to vote in April to validate the election and needs 60% approval to pass.
What will 38.5 cents provide?
- This levy will continue Island Rec Programs and Trails- 16.5 cents
- This levy will continue funding of school sports- 10 cents
- This levy will continue the O&M of Island Rec Parks, including John O. Linde Community Park – 12 cents
When do I vote?
The Island Rec levy renewal request will be on the ballot for the special election in April. Election day is April 27, 2021. In order to pass, by law the levy requires a supermajority of votes, which means a minimum of 60% “yes” votes.
View more information about voting and elections in San Juan County.
What programs and parks does Island Rec fund?
- At the end of the last levy cycle (2015) Island Rec provided over 2,700 hours of organized recreation programming with over 14,000 participants. During this levy cycle it has increased to over 3,200 hours of recreation programming with nearly 18,000 participants.
STAR Afterschool Program
Children’s Festival
School’s Out Camps
Hill of Thrills Soapbox Race
Eddie and Friends Dog Park
Teen Adventure Camps
Adult Table Tennis Tournament
Resolution Run
Music on the Lawn
Lafarge Open Space (gravel pit)
Roller Hockey and Futsal
Swimming Lessons
Shaw Island Family Bike Ride
Messy Me Preschool Program
Family Park at Fairgrounds
Adult Drop-In sports
Adult and Senior Fitness Programs
Scooter and Skate Nights
Camp Eagle Rock
Teen Afterschool Program (TREC)
FH 8.8k Loop Run
Trails Committee
Adult Summer Soccer League
Farmers Market Events
Summer Sports Camps
Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt
Dragonfly Preschool Camp
Movies in the Park
John O. Linde Community Park
Adult Enrichment Classes
Sailing Classes
Youth and Teen Basketball
The Skate Park
Youth and Adult Dance classes
Tour de Family Bike Event
Father Daughter Dance
Tennis Classes
Skateboarding Camps
…And so much more!
What impact has COVID-19 had on Island Rec financially?
Due to state guidelines, Island Rec had to significantly decrease the number of programs that are offered to the community. This caused a drop in anticipated program revenue for the District however due to fewer staff and reduced spending there was nonetheless a $100,000 net savings. These funds will be allocated towards enhancements of park facilities and will help offset some future program fees in 2021 and 2022.
What does Island Rec plan to accomplish in the next six years?
The renewed levy will allow Island Rec to maintain its current recreation programs, parks and services and allow for modest growth. This includes:
- Preschool age programming expansion
- Increased maintenance and capital projects at Lafarge Property, Family Park, Skate Park, Eddie and Friends Dog Park and John O. Linde Community Park.
- Increase adult community recreation and continued education opportunities.
- Community assessment for expanded indoor and outdoor recreation facilities at John O. Linde Community Park.
Why is Island Rec funding school sports?
- In 2009, voters approved Island Rec’s levy to fund school sports.
- The school has maxed out its levy capacity funding basic education.
- The School District’s budget cannot fund school sports and is 100% dependent on this levy to do so.
Read more information and Frequently Asked Questions about the SJISD School Sports Levy partnership with Island Rec.
Why is Island Rec funding the operation and maintenance of John O. Linde Community Park?
Access to park spaces create healthy communities and Island Rec is in the business of both parks and creating a healthy community. As a public agency, it is Island Rec’s mission and mandate to operate parks and recreational facilities.
- This park includes a playground, one-mile paved walking trail, soccer field, multipurpose field, baseball field, softball field, picnic areas and a restroom.
- Island Rec is delighted that this community has donated over $4 million dollars to fully build the park, and public money is only needed to maintain it. This park has been developed through partnerships with the San Juan Island School District as the landowner, Friday Harbor Athletic Association and the San Juan Island Community Foundation as the developer and Island Rec as the public agency to operate and maintain the popular community facility.
How do I benefit from Island Rec?
You live in a community where:
- Affordable and free community events and activities bring neighbors and families together.
- Parks, trails and open spaces are available and well-maintained for everyone to enjoy.
- Seniors and adults have recreational opportunities for a variety of interests and needs.
- Families have opportunities to recreate together in programs and parks.
- Working parents can be assured their children are well cared for at affordable, safe and enriching daily afterschool and summer programs.
- High school students have the opportunity of participating in a school sport and all the positive experiences that are part of being on a team.
- Working people want to live here because of the high quality of life provided through trails, parks, recreation programs and sports made available to the community.
- Tweens and teens have the opportunity to explore, develop and learn positive life-long leisure skills.
- Kids and adults have positive choices and alternatives to drug and alcohol abuse.
What will this levy cost me?
This is a property tax levy. Island Rec is asking for a renewal of the existing levy rate of 38.5 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. Here are some examples of what San Juan Island property owners would pay to fund this levy for 2022-2027, based on the value of your property:
Property Assessment Value | Funding Island Rec Programs, Park O&M and High School Sports |
$250,000 | $96 / year |
$300,000 | $116 / year |
$350,000 | $135 / year |
$500,000 | $193 / year |
$1,000,000 | $385 / year |
For more information about Island Rec Parks, Programs and Services and this levy request, please contact:
Kerry Jack, Island Rec Director
360-378-4953, play@islandrec.org