STAR – Study Time & Afternoon Recreation
STAR is Island Rec’s daily after-school program for youth in grades K-5. The program is held at Friday Harbor Elementary School after school until 6pm. STAR provides a safe, supervised, fun and enriching environment! The daily program includes a snack, outside play time, organized games & activities, and homework time.
How does STAR work?
- Read the 2024-2025 STAR Parent Info Packet
- Fill out a STAR Application along with other required liability forms and waivers (New application required each school year.)
- Once your application is processed, your child can drop-In to STAR on any regular school day, including Early Release Wednesdays*
*Early Dismissal Days when FHES gets out at 11:10am require pre-registration and pre-payment. - Pay at the end of each month when you receive your bill, or Sign up for Auto-Pay
Click HERE to fill out a STAR Application.
Click HERE to pay your STAR bill.
STAR Hours:
Regular School Days: 2:45 – 6:00pm; drop-in
Early Release Wednesdays: 1:30 – 6pm; drop-in
Early Dismissal Days: 11:10am – 6:00pm; pre-registration and pre-payment required
View the 2024-2025 SJI School District Calendar for a schedule of regular and early release days. STAR is closed on days when school is not in session or when school is cancelled for any reason, e.g. inclement weather.
STAR is based at the Friday Harbor Elementary School in the cafeteria, and also makes use of the playground and locations within walking distance of the school.
STAR is overseen by Island Rec staff; Recreation Specialist and STAR Director Nate Colegrove, Site Manager Paulina Falcon, as well as 1-5 additional support staff.
Behavioral Expectations:
Please review our behavioral expectations with your child, sign the form, and bring it to STAR on your child’s first day.
2024-2025 Costs:
$13/day – Regular School Days
$17/day – Early Release Wednesdays
$22/day – Early Dismissal Days
Regular School Days & Early Release Wednesdays:
You’ll receive an emailed invoice from Island Rec at the end of each month for your child’s attendance at STAR on regular school days, including early release Wednesdays. Payment is due on the 12th of the following month. Pay your STAR bill online using your Rec Desk account, or call our office to pay over the phone: 360-378-4953. Late payments are subject to a $25 late fee, and participation in STAR and other Island Rec programs will be suspended until payment is made.
Early Dismissal Days (FHES out at 11:10am):
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required at least 24 hours in advance for early dismissal days. These are popular days for our program and we often reach enrollment capacity and need to ensure proper staffing. For the 2024/2025 school year, 11:10 dismissal days will be on Oct. 16, Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Nov. 27, Jan. 23, Jan. 24, Mar. 12, Mar. 13, Mar. 14, May 23, June 12, and June 13. Register early to avoid disappointment. Click here to register.
You’ll receive a copy of your invoice via email, then your card will be charged on the 12th of the month.
Scholarships are available! 33% – 66% fee discounts are available for income-eligible families.
Apply Online for a Scholarship
Questions about STAR?
All questions about STAR can be directed to Nate at Island Rec (360) 378-4953 or via email: nate@islandrec.org
School’s Out Camps
Grades K-5
These fun camps run 8:30am-4:30pm at Friday Harbor Elementary School. Registration is per day.
School’s Out Camps Grades K-5
Two weeks of specialty crafts, games, and field trips. Come have some fun while school’s out! Camp is based at FHES. Registration is by the day.
Winter Break Camp Dec 20, 23, 27, 30, 31, Jan 2, 3
Mid-Winter Break Camp Tu-F Feb 18-21
Spring Break Camp M-F Apr 7-11